The Lives and Adventures of the McCune Dickerson Family

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Skiing in Squamish with the WildReillys

Reason 1 why you non-British Columbians should come visit us: yes, we are skiing and that is the ocean behind us. 

 Last Saturday, instead of Abe and I splitting the day to study or hang out with Aurora, I made the incredibly self-sacrifical decision to let Abe have the whole day to study (oh, and then I would get Monday) whilst I whisked Aurora off to ski with Eric, Jen and Kris in Squamish. Its been a hectic month for school, so I really think it was quite gracious of me to let him have the day, don't you?

It was a 5 km skin up an old logging road through the forest and then up into more open, subalpine meadows. We took a lovely little lunch break at the Red Heather shelter, which gave Aurora an opportunity to demonstrate her complete affection for Eric (2 years). Let me preface this with this shocking list.

Top People Aurora Smooches
1. Abe/DaDa
2. Eric
3. Shannon/MaMa/provider of sustenance and unconditional snuggles

So lets just say that she seriously adores Eric. The first thing she did when she saw him at his house that morning was crawl over to him, pull herself up by his shirt, and smooch him. 

Here they are sharing a snuggle. 

So, Aurora is really into food these days. Especially fruit. 
This is the first time I've ever seen her share. And it really seemed quite intentional.
So, then we headed up for a little longer. Unfortunately the sun came out and it was gorgeous. I was really kicking myself for not trying to get in a few hours of studying. 

here's Eric in his sweet chariot on skis. 

And these are Eric's awesome little skis. He was pretty psyched to get out of the chariot and head down with his Dad-man. And then he gallantly let Aurora ride in his chariot on the way down. 

It was pretty fun to tow her behind me. I got a pretty big kick out of it, especially going over little hills, etc. No squeals of excitement yet, but maybe next year....

All in all, we had a wonderful time and fresh snow made up for the week of rain down below. I have to admit I really do love winter. It was a beautiful day and really great to spend time with the superbly supportive WildReillys.