The Lives and Adventures of the McCune Dickerson Family

Monday, June 22, 2009


In addition to the fact that our little darling is past the one year mark, I thought we should share some of her latest accomplishments and signature moves. 

First word: Hey!

Second word: Hi!
Oh yes, this is a social little creature. She often uses Hey! to get strangers' attention or to greet people entering a room.

Others which are occasionally repeated: Da da (sometimes meaning Abe), Mama (sometimes for me)
Wagon (agon--close enough)
Loolo (must be important, she says it all the time:)
De de (for Aparna de de, our fabulous roomie)
Yesterday she did something clever and I said "Good job" and she said " ood ob!

First birthday gift: bike helmet

Aurora LOVES riding on the bike with us. She laughs and kicks her little legs and starts pointing at things we past and narrating. She really enjoyed going out for cycles when we were visiting my folks in the desert and getting to sneak up
 on Grandma or Grandpa. 

Favorite sport: Climbing

I know, I know, but we don't have horses yet and somehow taking her kayaking, well, it just doesn't seem to be time yet. Something about those hypothermic waters.....

At the end of this post there's video evidence of her first major ascent (after 2 weeks of trying)

 Most trusted mode of falling asleep: the jogger

Most enthusiastic caregiver: Grandma McCune

First discovery of whipped cream: May 15

Preferred mode of travel: Scooting
She sits upright with the right leg tucked under and her pulls herself around with the left leg leading out. I'll have to upload a video of it, but as you'll see below, our camera seems to record in hyper mode....

First series of steps (4!): June 18 with Grandma McCune

I really think with the scooting and speed of crawling, she just hasn't been that motivated to try to walk more, but she'll be walking the rest of her life
 (God willing), so we're in no hurry to rush her out of scooting. 

Climbing things however, is a major temptation.....


Meagan said...

Thanks for the update - Aurora is getting so big :)

Maren B said...

Oh fer precious! I love the posts about babies. Have to admit, they're always the most interesting part of the family news, to me. Especially when said baby is so super freaking cute, like Aurora.