A new dawn has arrived in our lives, Aurora McCune Dickerson, born Friday May 16 2008, at 6:10am. Most of you know that we have been waiting for this moment with anticipation, joy, disbelief, fear, uncertainty, and love. Thursday morning we were 13 days overdue and facing the forced option to be induced the next day. We were prepared for this, but Shannon very much wanted to have the intimacy and privacy of a home birth; assuming we could do so safely. Our day was filled with every prayerful, medical, and heretical attempt to “naturally” invite labor: castor oil with breakfast, eggplant parmesan for lunch and a visit to the acupuncturist in the early afternoon. Something worked. The baby already head down dropped several more inches, cramps came and went, and contractions began. We took a walk to the beach, Shannon walked with her mother, I bouldered, we sat in the sun together, and together we anticipated the hours and experiences that lie ahead.
As the contractions increased in intensity and regularity we walked back to the car, and drove to Woodstock Farm, a property owned by Bellingham Park and Recreation. Friends of ours are caretakers on the property and live in a small cottage nestled in the sheep pasture that overlooks the ocean. The location was ideal; simple, secluded, and beautiful. Our team consisted of an experienced and loving midwife, a wonderful doula, and the two of us. With these beautiful people and in this incredible place we delivered our baby.
I learned a lot about love that night, I witnessed sacrifice and selflessness like I have never before imagined. Shannon never once complained and the labor was long and hard. We spent most of the night together in the tub, I massaged as Shannon’s uterus prepared for delivery. The baby was slightly turned from an ideal position resulting in near constant back labor and slow progress. She worked so hard. At 4:00am, through the painful sleepless stupor we could hear birds singing, and with them came the urge to push. Those next 2 hours were an eternity that passed in instant. Then she arrived. Beautiful, slippery, sobbing, a miracle, our daughter. We became a family.
8lbs 3oz, 20in long, healthy, beautiful, and perfect. Shannon is recovering well; she experienced some tearing and has yet to complain I doubt she ever will. Aurora is feeding better with each suckle, she pees, she poops, and she sleeps. I don’t know how this is possible but she is the most beautiful thing in the world and somehow exponentially increases in splendor each day. We are filled with love and wonder over this life and blessing in our lives and are grateful to share it with each of you! Your prayers, thoughts, calls, and love are all so appreciated. We love you.