The Lives and Adventures of the McCune Dickerson Family

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Views of where we live--Shannon speaks again....

Here are Abram and Aurora after we all biked down to the beach for dinner.
This is on the rocky western edge of Jericho Beach. You can barely make out downtown Vancouver in the background between the two gigantic ships.

This is a (craning) view from our upstairs bedroom window of our shared backyard. There are just two buildings making a V which is filled in with the grass and trees and one tiny jungle gym. Our main view from this room is of three red (well, they used to be, now they're bare) trees backdropped by a towering row of dark green cedars. Behind the cedars is the path to our community centre where I work.
Our patio doesn't have any nice furniture, just Aurora's jogger and my kayak hanging under the eaves.

Our darling in her megasuit.

Enjoying a walk in the forest along Whatcom Creek while we were back visiting Bellingham. I love the moss and ferns. I love how much of the green stays through the winter (admittedly, however, I would trade it for snowy winters)

We're enjoying where we are while we're here. We feel blessed to live in such a beautiful place.

It is amazing.

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Lavinia said...

I sure hope that we get a chance to see your awesome sights before you graduate -- hopefully we'll be graduating first!

The O'Hallorans said...

So, so beautiful! We LOVE seeing pictures of our beloved Northwest-- things are little more barren in the middle of the Kara Kum Desert in Turkmenistan:^). We miss you guys tons:^) Thanks for keeping the blog updated.