The Lives and Adventures of the McCune Dickerson Family

Thursday, January 13, 2022

sierra norte

   On the third of February, we went to the mountains. We were staying for two days at Ecoturixtlan (a little ecotourism center that felt like a summer camp for families). 

    At Ecoturixlan, there was a zipline that was about 100 feet in the air (according to my mother). It wasn’t that fast but it was fun. Aurora and Mom were terrified of how high it was. Theo went first and screamed. (Theo, Eve, and Rowen wanted to go again immediately).

Then we went to a cave with a river flowing through it. I went back sooner than the others because it was cold and dark  but it was quite cool with a big drop at the end.


   On Sunday, (Abe and Shannon wanted to get to a neighboring town and couldn’t find a trail so...) we walked in a  creek for two and a half hours. (This was really fun for the first hour–kids enthusiastically crossed back and forth and plunged into pools, but then littler kids got rather chilled and tired. The

creek became much more steep with giant boulders as we continued–Abe and I were both starting to wonder how much more intense it would get, when we came to the juncture we were looking for and found a small foot path that we followed
for 10 minutes).

Then we came out to a little restaurant next to

the creek where we got food and played at the playground then we walked into the town.


    Dad found a place where we could get a taxi into and out of Ecoturixlan. Then we took the taxi back from the town and ate dinner in the cabin then went to bed.

The next day  Aurora, Eve, and Theo went on the zipline again.(Mom went to but she hasn't gone before) After that we waited for the taxi. We had already put our stuff by the road so all we had to  do was wait. 

I went up to a little spot outside of the cabin where we signed in and got gear for the zipline to read until the taxi got there. 

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